For the past two weeks, Chloe has been taking swimming lessons at the local city pool. She is our little water girl- half fish, we're pretty sure- and has been begging to take swimming lessons for months and months. She has been thrilled that every morning for 2 weeks she gets to go play in the water. This is her first swimming lesson ever and is doing pretty well- she has absolutely no fear! There isn't a part of the lesson that she doesn't like, but I think her favorite is jumping into the pool.

For the first day of lessons, she was the only one in her class. Wahoo! Private lessons! The next day, another little girl joined her class and that has been fun for her too.

I love this picture- look at that form! We are fairly sure that she will always be obsessed with water and swimming and I will be shocked if she is not in some water sport in high school.

Mitch wishes he could get in the pool too, but is content to play in the lockers while Chloe showers afterwards. We're hoping that this trend of hiding in lockers doesn't carry over to junior high and high school..... with his size, you'd think he would be the one picking on the weak ones and stealing the lunch money, but if he follows after his dad, he may spend many an afternoon crouched in a tight space......