I'm sure everyone can relate- we have had a very busy month! The holidays aren't supposed to be so busy and stressful and every year I try so hard to try and make that happen, but it just always seems to turn out that way.
But we've had a lot of fun amidst the busyness and stress.

The last 2 days of November, we set up the Christmas tree and decorated the house. The kids love helping put ornaments on the tree. They especially love seeing all of their ornaments from over the years.

Mitch is very good at knowing what are "girl" ornaments and "boy" ones. Anything pink and fairy like are sure not to be his. He is drawn to all of Ben's fun ornaments that he had as a kid- the boy on a motorcycle is Mitch's absolute favorite. It has doubled as a toy this whole month and is found in pieces all over our house. I'm sure it's hard to ride a motorcycle with no arms...

Lexi loved to help unload my Christmas decoration box as she "oohed" and sang to us.

And of course both girls loved the ornaments.

I knew I had to be realistic this year about my expectations with Christmas decorations getting played with, having TWO babies after all. The babies have actually done really, really well. I have let them play with the ornaments, as long as no breakable/glass ones are brought on the tile floor. Mitchell is actually the worst offender- I find ornaments all over the house that he has pulled off, played with and left.
I keep some soft, kid friendly Christmas toys nearby that the kids are allowed to play with anywhere and at anytime, and that helps tremendously.

All done with the tree!

I would love to have a big, full, very tall beautiful "Mom" tree someday with all matching ornaments and beautiful ribbon, but I really do love trees with mismatching, random kid ornaments. I love adding new ones each year and love the memories that come back as we hang each ornament, remembering who's ornament it is, who gave it to them, and what year they received it.

At the beginning of December, we found out Mitch was allergic to amoxicillin. This picture does not do justice to the terrible rash he had from head to toe (every individual finger included). It didn't bother him at all, but he looked hideous to take out in public.

This month our sweet little babies have become extra mobile and extra fun in their playing. Leah especially loves to walk behind anything she can get to move. She really is pushing Lexi in this picture- it is hilarious to watch.

"Sharing" another riding toy

Leah, using an empty toy box to "walk."

The girls love crawling over to the back door to "talk" to Daisy. Whenever they pound on the glass, she comes running. When she feels like it, Leah can even say "Daisy."

On the first Saturday in December, we went and saw Santa.

Mitchell was very anxious to talk to Santa (no fear), and let him know that he'd like some "crashing cars." No one else really understands him when he says this, but Santa knew just what he was saying.

And our group shot turned out just as expected. Lexi could not stop staring at Santa- it was quite cute. We had a very hard time getting her attention to turn around and look at the camera. And Leah would rather get coal in her stocking then ever sit with Santa again.

At least Santa could smile about it. Poor Leah...

Our best attempt at getting everyone to look at the camera.

On the 16th, Chloe's kindergarten class had an evening Christmas performance.
Oh, was this cute! This is our first school concert of any sort and it was so much fun.

They sang songs and did actions for a short and sweet 25 minute performance. Chloe knew every word and every action perfectly and wasn't afraid to perform, but in between each song she would nervously whisper to the boy standing next to her. He wasn't even listening most of the time, but it helped her feel better.
Can you guess what word they are all singing here? (Ho, ho ho).

This is our 6th Christmas in this house and we finally put lights up outside for the first time this year. Nothing big or super fancy, but I love it.

Ben did a great job. It didn't hurt that he has a brand new ladder to help motivate him to hang them quickly (and early in the month). I need to think of more projects he can do for me that involve using his ladder and they will be done in no time, I'm sure.
My biggest time consuming project of December was our ward Christmas party. I have been on the committee for over a year, but was recently called as the head of the committee. Being the one in charge is definitely different than just being on the committee and getting to help where needed, especially for our ward's biggest party of the year. And unfortunately I am not very crafty. Luckily, I had a wonderful committee of woman who helped like crazy and filled in where I am creatively challenged.
Our theme was "Christmas in Whoville" with inspiration from Dr. Suess's "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."

All of the ward members were encouraged to come to the breakfast and party dressed like "Whos." Here are my two oldest "Whos" dressed as who-like as I had time for that morning.

We handed out head boppers for all the youth and children to help them get into the Who-spirit!

We have lots of talent in our ward, thank goodness! One very talented sister in our ward painted our Whoville banner. Isn't it amazing? It turned out so cute.

After a delicious breakfast (ever had huckleberry pancakes??), we put on the skit "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." Our stage was set up with a chimney for the grinch to come in and out of, a table full of Who-food- who hash, who pudding and a roast beast, and a tree with gifts.

Who-like trees
I didn't have any time to get any pictures of our Grinch, Cindy-lou Who or any of the other Whos, but they all looked amazing and did such a great job in the skit.

Leah, one of my favorite Whos. Poor baby- she gets a bad wrap around church. Every time anyone sees her, it seems, she is crying. I feel like no one knows how really sweet and wonderful she can be. I promise, this little sweetie CAN be happy. She is prone to cry and has a hard time adjusting to new places and people other than her family outside of our house, but she has a really sweet and wonderful side too.

Lexi loved her head bopper.

After church the next day, we finally got a group shot of all our Whos. I feel like my kids should have these head boppers on permanently sometimes... our house is truly another planet.
With the Ward party over with (whew!), I have since been able to (try) and catch up on things things I have been neglecting (my poor, poor house). But I loved doing a Grinch theme because of the truly wonderful message it has for the Christmas season:
"Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before!
'Maybe Christmas,' he thought, 'doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more.' "
We know that "little bit more" is our Savior, Jesus Christ and the celebration of his birth and life. We love Santa just as much as the next family, but we are trying hard to teach our children the true meaning of Christmas. How sweet it is to hear them talking about baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph, and asking what frankincense and myrrh are, in between all the Santa and gift talk.
Just 2 more days and we can't wait! Happy December to all.