You've got to make hay while the sun shines- or pick flowers while the sun shines, in this case.

Our lilacs are in full bloom!

Yes, I know- we need to weed!

But, when the sun doesn't shine and the temperature drops 15 degrees overnight, my kids still like to make hay...

They'll just do it with some rain boots, snow gloves and a hat.

Oh yeah, and with flop flops too (guess it can't be that cold!)

And don't mind that Mitch is still in his pajamas...

And you can also make hay inside, in a variety of hats and with different games strewn about (with no clothes on).

On a separate note, I think Ben may be right. This little lady looks like she's going to have red hair!

It doesn't look quite as red in person- the camera makes it look a little more reddish. If this color stays, that would make 3 red heads out of 4 kids. I think it's a little too early to completely rule Leah out as our 4th red head, but I think she could be my only brown haired baby (although from day one, I thought Lexi was for sure going to be brown, and a dark brown at that, but it looks like she has proven me wrong). I have been told by strangers in public that red heads are a dying breed. Mass producing red heads does not seem to be a problem for us, so the Andros' may keep this breed alive all by ourselves. Stay tuned in the months to come to see if Leah joins the rest of the crew, or sticks with her mother and stays brown...
Mitchell looks homeless in the pic with his pajamas, rain boots, gloves and hat. I love it. Kids don't feel cold so you got to let them out while they want out!
At least your back yard has grass, and when they're outside playing they're not inside making messes-everyone wins!
This is Catherine. I'm sorry to say though Carrie that you don't have brown hair...its a dark blonde. And if red hair is the only trait that your kids get from Ben we should consider ourselves lucky hahaha! And why is Mitch not wearing any clothes? You might be a redneck if... Can't wait to see you guys in July!
This is Mom. I'll go for reddish but not red yet. As for Mitch's outfit--remember the Bradys? At least he's not wearing moon boots. But he's cute no matter what he's wearing!
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