Every Spring, the fishing pond just a few miles from our house opens up, fully stocked with fish. The first day of May, Ben took the big kids down to the pond for the first fishing of the season.

This was Mitch's first time participating in fishing and boy was he excited. Ben took Mitch shopping to buy him his first fishing pole (go Spiderman!) and a little fishing bag and power bait. Mitch was obsessed with his pole and just wanted to cast and reel, cast and reel.

He couldn't keep his eyes off his pole, even for a picture.

Ben and his fishing buddies! The kids are finally old enough for Ben to make good on his promise of taking the kids fishing with him (and leaving me at home to enjoy peacefulness and quiet with babies only).

Mitch doing what he loves best- casting and reeling!

Chloe, the fishing pro. She has done this for a few years now and loves it.

Both the kids hit their 5 fish per person limit in less than an hour. Good thing Ben guts, cleans, cooks and eats all those fish (with a little help from the kids).... his wife is not a fish person.

One of Chloe's fish

And in Mitchell's words, "The BIG fish!"
He loved his first time fishing! For good or for bad, he thought the dead fish also doubled as some low maintenance pets. Ben put them in the refrigerator for a few days before cooking them for dinner and Mitch would pull the bag of fish out of the fridge multiple times a day to "play" with the fish (no, his mother did not love this or even approve of it). The fish never left the bag, but I would find the bag on the kitchen floor throughout the day. He would even have to say goodnight to the fishies before going to bed, and check on them first thing each morning. I'm am very glad to say that we do not eat any of our other "pets."
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