The prophet said to plant a garden, so that's what we'll do! We needed some more space to do it this year, so we decided to make room by pulling out some over grown, lifeless bushes in our back yard. Ben was more than happy to pull out some tools and sharp objects to get the job done.

A man and a saw.... feel the power!

Chloe was very excited to help Ben plow the dirt to ready it for planting.
I weeded the rest of the dirt area. It has been needing it for months!

It was such a gorgeous day that we all were outside. Mitch passed the time by practicing his fishing moves. Casting and...


He decided to show the babies how it was done with some up close and personal fishing lessons. I love seeing my older kids interacting with the babies- they are so sweet with them. Chloe is definitely my big helper with them, but Mitchell is so personal with them. He will lay by them and hold their hands (more for his pleasure, really but the babies love it too), talk to them about what he is doing and show them anything and everything around them. Chloe knows they are babies and what they can and can't understand, but Mitchell doesn't know and engages them in all that he does, as if they are all the same age.

This is one of the twins' first exposure to sun. They put on sun hats for the first time and sat in their stroller while we all worked and played.


Lexi (the sun was bright!)

The kids were so excited to help me plant the green beans. Mitchell was all about the water and would not let go of the hose.

We LOVE green beans and can't wait for them to be ready. When Chloe was 18 months, she would just go outside and eat the green beans right off the vine in our garden.

After a gorgeous day spent in the sun and lots of hard work, we had a garden planted and a much nicer looking back yard. Here is the BEFORE.

And here is the AFTER.
Wow- lawns and gardens are hard work! They are a never ending project and exhausting, but the hard work pays off. If only we could have a beautiful yard without all the work- that would be ideal. I do not enjoy weeding and gardening, unfortunately, so maintaining a garden is much more of a project for us.
Weeds- I'll see you again in a few weeks! And corn, beans, peppers, tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, squash and zucchini- we'll see you in a few months!
We've been planting garden this week, too. We don't dare set out tomatoes yet as we may have a freeze this weekend. I wish we had Chloe and Mitchell to help us! Maybe you'll all be able to eat something from the garden when you're here in July. I got my first rhubarb yesterday. Wish Ben was here to have strawberry-rhubarb pie.
Yards are a lot of work to maintain, but rest assured they are a LOT harder to start from scratch-I am SO jealous of your grass! Looks great and like great weather too!
We are planting ours next weekend...thanks to freezing temps and tons of rain! I love having a garden and going out back and getting dinner. We planted lettuce already and its already blooming
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