May has been such a fun month with my babies (I love saying babies, plural!) They have some new tricks up their sleeves and a few new activities that they enjoy.
They are in the beginning stages of sitting up. They were just able to balance for a few seconds at the beginning of the month and now can balance for a minute or so before toppling over, but we are making progress. Chloe was sitting up by 4 months and Mitch by about 5 months, so the twins to be just starting at 7 months as been different. But being smaller babies and not early on reaching milestones as made them seem like little babies longer, and I have loved that.

They have to have toys in front of them to get them to reach out to keep their balance.

Getting ready to topple...

Lexi is better at sitting and balancing than Leah

Babies that sit up look so much more grown up and it makes me sad. I do love this stage of babies (sitting, non mobile, easily entertained), but they will be out of it before I even know it.

The trick of the day is to get them both sitting at the same time. I had to have Chloe's help balancing them so they wouldn't crash into each other.

Hurry- snap the picture before we fall!!
They both love to roll, too. Lexi rolls all over a room. That doesn't count as mobile yet to me. Mobile is crawling and walking and getting into EVERYTHING. She can move around a room, but can't get in to stuff yet. Hooray for just rolling!

Leah, taking her first horsie ride.... the look on her face is pure pleasure!

Leah is funny- she is definitely the more animated of the two babies, and she either loves something and giggles and squeals and is as happy as can be, or hates it and cries and or whines. We are never sure what reaction we will get to new sounds or activities (sounds a LOT like her older sister....)

Lexi is usually game for anything but we don't usually get as animated of a response out of her as Leah.

See? Just mellow. She is enjoying it, but not overly excited like Leah can get.
May has been mostly nice weather (the first half of it anyway) and we have been spending a lot of time outdoors. The big kids could spend all day of a sunny day outside, so the babies and I have to follow them outside to supervise.

There is no place to really set a baby down outside (especially since our front yard is covered in compost right now for fertilizing) so I put the girls in their stroller and they watch the big kids play from the front porch.

They quite enjoy it. They especially love going on walks and never cry or whine on walks. It is amazing. If I had a way to transport all 4 of my kids in a stroller, we would go on long walks everyday...

Ben and I have decided we dislike cribs! Lexi sleeps in the "real" crib right now and we constantly go in and find her stuck in the bars. We have a bumper, but she pulls it down or just puts her legs and arms on top of it and it pushes it to the bottom and her limbs become trapped.

It usually doesn't bother her too much, but her chubby little thighs are getting big enough now that she gets really stuck and it is cutting off her circulation. Kind of scary. Now we are really in no hurry to buy a second crib and are content to leave Leah in the pack and play until she out grows it or until her legs are too big to get stuck in the bars of a crib! Poor Lexi....

The babies love when Chloe "plays" with them. This day she put both of them on her bed and read them a book.

They were the perfect little students and didn't make a peep throughout story time.

The unpredictable spring weather has left us switching back and forth between sun dresses and warm clothes and winter hats. I took all the kids on a walk one day (work out of my life, I'll tell you what) and had to bundle up the babies like it was December. It sure made for a cute picture though.

They love being read to (Leah is very into focusing intently on the books- she is so observant). And I love reading to them. I hope my lap is always big enough for both of them to cuddle up with me and read books together.

I am still completely smitten with these two little beauties! I cannot get enough of them. I love how they are completely different. What a joy these sweet girls are in my life and the life of everyone in our family. Our days revolve around their every move and every sound. We love keeping up with them and only wish time wouldn't pass quite so quickly.
This post makes me sad cause it seems like they were just born and now they're rolling and sitting up??? That means that before I know it my baby will be doing the same things and I'm not at all ready to move beyond the newborn stage.
They are cute though, but growing up way too fast!
I love the pictures of them on the rocking horse. It seems that if you want to fit in at your house, you must love the rocking horse. You may need to invest in another one to keep the peace with 4 kids!
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