Friday, June 18, 2010

Look Mom, no hands!

Dinner time is the most hectic and stressful time at my house. Ben is often not home when we eat which leaves me to often deal with my "it's almost bedtime and we are wound up and demanding" children by myself. Everyone needs something at this 5:00 hour and I cannot physically dish up dinner to 2 children and spoon feed 2 babies at the same time. I have tried, believe me, and it is physically impossible. So either the big kids' dinner is delayed while I frantically feed both babies (either separately or simultaneously) or I dish up the big kids and the 2 babies are cranky and/or screaming during our dinner. Needless to say, I am eagerly anticipating the time when the twins can feed themselves. We have been practicing lately with small finger foods in their high chairs. Most often they can both get the food in their hands, but struggle with knowing how to get the food to their mouth after that. Most of the time the food ends up on the floor. We keep practicing though, knowing that practice makes perfect.

Today, Leah came up with a new trick to cut out the battle with getting the food from hand to mouth. Pretty ingenious, I think. And good entertainment, too. Just cut out the middle man!

Food in front, ready for action

Going in for the kill....

A no hands approach

Victory! She got it!

Be sure to notice (how can you not?) the twitching of hands and wrists at the end. Leah loves to ride her imaginary motorcycle all day long. Lexi has learned from sister and now rides her motorcycle often during the day as well. Yes, I even let them ride them in the house...

(All pictures and footage are of Leah).


Amanda said...

Bless their little hearts! They are trying their hardest to feed themselves. It is no wonder they can't feed themselves with their wrists turning like that. It would be hard to pick up anything while revving an engine!

TaylorClan said...

so funny! she looks so grown up in her highchair!

SuburbiaMom said...

Oh my--too cute!! Her hands look very happy :).

The Blakeslee Family said...

I just wanted to reach right in and help her. I hope they'll learn to pick things up soon. She should be good at bobbing for apples. Why don't you try that next?

The Moore Family said...

Love this post!! Dinner is such a chaotic time at our house as well! But I'm sad to admit that at our house dad is usually home to help, but we still experience chaos. Kids are just demanding and stubborn!!! But ya gotta love them!! Twins are so cute and just growing up!!! Take Care!