Monday, January 19, 2009

My new motivation

When we signed up for our gym memberships two weeks ago, we got 2 free sessions with a personal trainer.  After my 2 free sessions, they, of course, tried to sell me on the idea of paying for a personal trainer all the time.  Great idea- if I had hundreds of dollars laying around.  Anyway- at the end of my second session, my trainer told me, along with a list of other things, that one of the things I need to reach my fitness goals is a motivator.  I naturally assumed this would be Ben, as we both are striving to stay in shape and both have gym memberships.  WRONG!

This morning was not a great morning at the Andros house.  There were lots of tears, tantrums and messes and by 10:00 a.m., I wanted to throw the towel in and move to Puerto Rico, alone.  I was already dressed and ready to go to the gym when the meltdowns were at their peak and I finally just said, "Ok, let's just stay home from the gym, quickly go to Costco (to get Chloe's glasses tightened- one of the reasons for the biggest meltdown of the day) and then come home, eat lunch and we can all have a rest."  I said this thinking that this would relieve the stress we were ALL feeling and be a relief for all.  Wrong!  Immediately upon hearing this, Chloe burst into tears and sobbed, "No, no we HAVE to go to the gym!  I want to go to the GYM!!!"  I was ready to sacrifice my workout to try and restore peace in the house, but Chloe wouldn't have it.  I was tired, cranky and quite frankly did not feel very well and really didn't feel like working out today, but my 4 year old has now become my  motivator by throwing a fit that we HAVE to go to the gym.  It was easier to "give in" and go to the gym then to listen to anymore tantrums today.  So we went, I got a great workout and a break from all the tears, and the kids were refreshed and smiling like Jack-o-lanterns when I picked them up from the child care. 

 Anytime I need motivation to go to the gym, all I need to do is tell Chloe we aren't going......  


neilandamanda said...

Ohh-I know how that is and I don't even have a child old enough to throw tantrums. Sometimes its more of a mess and hassle to get there than it's worth. Planning around nap times blah blah. But if you moved here, we could be each others motivators. The goal is the "roll be-gone in 09." Right?--Keep sacrificing

Camille said...

That's hilarious! Way to o Chloe!

Foust Family said...

That's awesome! And I love her new glasses! She is so grown up and very intellectual!!

Rachael said...

That's so sweet... Chloe just doesn't want you to waste your money by not going! What a team player:)

TaylorClan said...

I'm glad that some people are going to the gym-you are dedicated!