Thursday, November 17, 2011

Camping (In November)

My big kids love to camp. Ben loves to take them camping. So what do you do if they all want to go camping when it's freezing cold, rain ridden November??

Ahhh, garage camping. You'v heard of car camping- this is a close cousin.
It kind of worked out nicely- no traveling involved, no packing of food and clothes, no bad weather to deal with, and a very nice bathroom just a few steps away.

They started off with some hot chocolate around a "camp fire" (lantern).

Mitch sporting a chocolate mustache.

Then Ben broke out the flashlight- always a crowd pleaser.

The kids took turns making scary faces and shadow puppets in the dark.

After reading scriptures, they all hopped in the tent and went to sleep.

Coolest Dad of the year award? Ben. See here for his first nomination.


Amanda said...

Did they actually sleep there or just play? Because I can't imagine sleeping on the hard cement floor. But good for Ben! Come down next summer and we can all go camping together, for reals!

The Blakeslee Family said...

Want to try shop camping? Not quite as close to the house but a larger space. I'm up for real summer camping in 2012!