Thursday, November 17, 2011

Twins' 2 year stats & Photos

The twins had their 2 year doctor checkups and photo shoot just days after turning 2, but I am just now getting around to posting them.

The stats at their checkups:

Weight: 24.8 lbs (> 25%)
Height: 33 1/4 in (> 25%)
Head: 46 3/4 cm (25%)
She is an extremely proportionate girl.

Weight: 26 lbs (25-50%)
Height: 32 1/2 in (10-25%)
Head: 48 cm (50-75%)

Here are the best shots we got from their photo shoot.

My favorite ones were the hugging and kissing ones.

Oh wait, just one more kiss Leah!

Got it!

Leah did a great job- she sat and smiled so sweetly the entire time.

Her hair was a bit static prone during the shoot (maybe it was the wind, too), but it's ok because I'm just glad she is getting more hair and it shows in these pictures!

This was our favorite shot of our little Janie girl- the lean in smile was too cute.

This was our best shot of Lexi all day- she is big into saying "CHEESE!" whenever she gets her picture taken which is super cute, but not so great for a photo shoot.

See what I mean? 80% of her pictures turned out like this. Overly cheesy.


A half cheese.

Love these little squirrels of ours.

2 year favorite activities and new behaviors update and more pictures to come.


Amanda said...

I also love these little girls. You can see their unique personalities in their different pictures. Which one do I get to keep? I'm serious....

The Blakeslee Family said...

Always adorable. I miss them so much. I can't believe they can change so much in 2 months. I love to see the pictures but it does make me sad that we can't be together more often. Don't let them change any more till I see them again.