Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Ben!

Today Ben turned the BIG 31!  Happy Birthday!  Sadly, he is not even home to celebrate his birthday.  He is out of town on business and is working instead of celebrating.  Since he is not here to get spoiled and waited on, we are sending birthday wishes to him!

Chloe was very upset when she found out that Daddy would not be home on his birthday, wondering aloud many, many times how we could get a cake for him when he's not even home!

We love Ben!  Here are just 31 things we love about this guy:

1.  He is the best father.  It was hard for me to find pictures of him by himself- he is always with the kids any possible chance he gets. 

2.  He is like a big kid- always full of energy and fun.  He loves goofing around and is always up for doing something fun and adventurous.  

3. He has the best laugh- it is so infectious!  It is known as the "Ben giggle" and I love it!  Just hearing his laugh makes everyone laugh and makes us all happy!

4.  He honors his priesthood.  What a blessing that is to our family.
5.  He is always up for doing crazy things.  Life is never dull with Ben around.

6.  He has a great sense of humor and keeps us laughing constantly.

7.  He is always putting others first before himself, always.  There is never a time when he is worried about himself.  He is always serving me and the kids, even when he has a dozen other things he really needs to get done.  

8.  He is very selfless and generous.  He would give and give and give to others until he was broke and exhausted, if only it made someone's day, or helped them out in some way. 
9.  He is such a hard worker!  He is frequently working on things around the house or outside and is so great at whatever he does.  This hard work goes for physical things, as well as being a great provider for our family and for all the hard work that he has put into his education.  He exhausts himself at work, with the many long and hard hours he puts in, and we love and appreciate all he does for us.

10.  He is smart!  He is a math and science whiz and he is the only reason I passed my college astronomy class.  I cannot believe how much knowledge is in his brain and it comes in handy each and every day.

11.  He is a wonderful "Mr. Fix-it" man and can always fix whatever we need fixing.  He fixes the cars, appliances, TV's and all of the little things that his incompetent wife can't do.  He is wonderful about always completing my "Honey Do" lists too, with very little complaining!

12.  He is our money-smarts man and loves to save!  If it weren't for him, we'd be broke and living in a cardboard box.  

13.  He is the best gift giver!  He first impressed me back when we were dating and gave me 24 long stem roses, each with a word tied to the stem describing something he liked about me.  Each birthday and Christmas, he puts so much thought into my gifts.  I am amazed at the wonderful things he gets.  (His best gift ever was the poem he wrote for me in college.  That is my most prized possession!)

14.  He is the best at giving surprises!  He surprises me and the kids with things (material things, outings, and his time and energy) all the time.

15.  He makes the best chicken!

16.  He is the best source of comfort when I am down or having a bad day.

17.  He is such a ham (when not too many people are looking.....)  He is so fun to be silly with.

18.  He is never worried about very much and can always ease my worries and fears. 

19.  He is a great help around the house, even with all my neurotic cleaning behaviors and obsessive habits.

20.  He is a wonderful public speaker and is not afraid of it at all (if he is knowledgeable on the subject, he says).

21.  He is my sports fanatic and I love it.  He knows EVERYTHING there is to know about football.  He plays all sports and is great at all of them.  (But we both know I can beat him at basketball... :)

22.  He ALWAYS leaves the toilet seat down, always.  He has never in our entire married life left the seat up.  He even closes the lid, too, every single time.

23.  He loves mowing the lawn and never complains about having to do that. 

24.  He is obsessed with fishing and that is the one subject he would hesitate on if asked if he'd rather be with me, or go fishing.....

25.  He just loves having fun with our kids!  He loves making them happy and would do anything for them.  Even the most childish game or activity is fun for him, as long as it makes Chloe or Mitchell happy.

26.  He is my ESPN nut and can keep me updated on every sports tidbit that is happening.  He could watch ESPN all day, everyday.  

27.  He is an excellent driver and a great navigator.  He could find his way anywhere in a car.  He taught me early that the best way to travel is to make great time!

28.  He has a strong testimony of the gospel.

29.  He has such a knowledge for the scriptures, it is truly amazing.

30.  He brings such a wonderful spirit into our home and is such a peace maker.  He is so patient and loving with all of us and is the calm presence in our family.

31.  He is SMOKIN' hot!!

We love you Ben!  Happy Birthday!  We miss you and can't wait to see you soon!


Van said...

happy birthday, Ben!!! We agree that you are great! good to know our training about the toilet seat is appreciated! Hope Ben gets home soon so he can get the full birthday treatment.

Megan said...

all true things!!!! couldn't agree more, but could add to the list...
we're glad he's home and you can spend some time together

TaylorClan said...

happy birthday to ben! we were going to call sat morning at about 8am, later we found out he had worked the night before, and we were glad we didn't. I hope ben gets to do something fun with you all-I bet he's glad to be back!

NDA said...

Ben... next year the list will read something like this #32 great at buying up new real estate... if ya know what i mean, and I think you know what i mean.

p.s. I think you're smoking HOT too...